So recently I received an email about a blog for guys to help them understand girls. I understand that many of the male recipients of this email were very displeased. I understand, and I apologize for that. I did not personally read this blog, but from my understanding, it was not at all fair.
Girls, here is the fact of life. We cannot ask guys to understand us. It is not fair to them, nor is it worth the head ache for us. So give it up. He will never "understand" you. We will never "understand" them!
Guys, since this blog is for you, here is what I do ask: please, be considerate. If you think we look nice, please tell us. But if we don't, please DO NOT tell us. This will hurt our feelings. Don't tell us if we're fat, ugly, or if we have a zit on our face. Chances are we already think this and we don't need a boy (or anyone else for the matter) confirming it. Girls have a hard enough time with their self esteem as it is.
Please treat us like girls, not like your guy friends. If we wanted to be treated like a guy, we'd be a guy. Simple as that. But also, don't treat us like dirt. Just because we are a different sex does not mean we are aliens from Mars. This much should be a given, but sadly, not all guys know this. Or if they do, they pretend not to.
If we are in a bad mood, I'd suggest you do the following: do not ask, because then you will suddenly become part of the problem whether you signed on to be or not.
When it comes to impressing us, we don't care what kind of car you drive, or what sport you play, or how buff you are. Those of us who do care are most likely not worth your time. Just be yourself! It's been said that guys expect girls to be themselves; we expect the same. So what if you think that you're a dork? There is a girl out there who will think that you're not a dork, and that you are absolutely amazing!
Honestly, I could write a novel on this, but since I don't have space for a novel here, I'll stop now. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask them in the comments section and I will attempt to answer them. No, I am not Dr. Phil so I can't help improve your love life.
--Tsuki Bear
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Post #21--For Guys--by Tsuki Bear
Posted by Tsuki Bear at 9:16 PM 5 comments
Labels: dating
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Post #20--Winter Bugs--by Tsuki Bear
It seems I'm best at giving advice lists, or suggestion lists. I don't even know if anyone who reads this actually tries what I suggest, but hey, I'll do it anyways cuz I feel like it!
It's winter time! We all know what this means: the Christmas lights, snow, caroling, Christmas trees, hot chocolate, gift giving and family. Amidst all our joy and celebration there is one thing that could possibly bring us down: the dreaded flu. This is also known as Influenza.
We all know the symptoms of the flu. Your temperature is completely out of control. One minute you're huddled by the fire, wrapped in a blanket. The next, you're running out side in shorts and a T-shirt. You're coughing up a lung (literally), and your throat feels like sand paper. Flu season generally lasts from December to April, so until May hits, you're not safe from this virus. When you get the virus, you are contagious 1-4 days before you even know you have the virus. My suggestion to this: personal space. Please, keep a considerate amount of space between you, and the person you are talking to. As for sneezing, if you want to sneeze, sneeze on someone you want to get sick. JK.
The symptoms of the flu include the ones I listed above. If you have a a fever, headaches and exhaustion, you may be one of the unlucky 90 million people who get this every year. In addition, a dry cough, aches and pains, and fatigue are more symptoms of the flu.
To avoid being one of the 90 million, my suggestions are the following:
- Avoid crowds if at all possible. The less people who cough, breathe, sneeze, etc. on you, the less likely you'll get it.
- Wash your hands frequently, or use anti-bacterial
- Get lots of sleep
- Eat healthy food. Foods and juices high in Vitamin C help prevent colds, and the flu
- Bundle up! Make sure you're dressed warm enough for the weather. This means no shorts!
- Get the flu shot. It's not fun, but the pain is temporary; the flu lasts for a while
--Tsuki Bear
Posted by Tsuki Bear at 7:21 PM 1 comments
Labels: winter
Post #19--In General--by Tsuki Bear
Since Tiana ba Llama made a stink about not posting, I'll post, even though I literally have nothing to post. I'll think of something. For once in my life, there is nothing to spew about.
Hmm, since it's the holidays, I'll do something around that!
Posted by Tsuki Bear at 7:19 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
Post #18---For Crying Out Loud---Tiana ba Llama
Good gravy, people. SOMEONE needs to post on here! It's pretty much impossible for there to be nothing of importance going on in our lives! Between the four of us (or anyone who would like to comment, *hint hint), there's got to be SOMETHING interesting to write about!
Umm so yeah. That's my little rant. I will post something if one of you gals will. ;) Because there's definitely something I could post about...but let's have one of you write first, k? :D
Posted by Tiana Cole at 11:29 AM 1 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Post #17--Problems--by Tsuki Bear
I have a huge problem. Huge doesn't even begin to describe it.
Posted by Tsuki Bear at 3:15 PM 2 comments
Labels: Who Knows
Friday, October 10, 2008
Post #16--So Question...--by Tiana ba Llama
Do kisses on the ear count?
Random, I know. It was just minorly bugging me. But anyway, leave a comment about what you think! :)
Posted by Tiana Cole at 6:26 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Post #15--Our Monthly Visitor--by Tsuki Bear
Yes, I know I have discussed this before, but here I am again, discussing the matter that all girls must go through. BOYS, IF YOU ARE READING THIS, STOP RIGHT NOW. DO NOT CONTINUE ANY MORE. THAT MEANS IF YOU HAVE GOTTEN THIS FAR YOU'RE AN IDIOT AND YOU'RE BRINGING THIS ON YOURSELF!
Posted by Tsuki Bear at 2:48 PM 2 comments
Labels: Girl Problems
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Post #14--School Funds?--by Tsuki Bear
This article was inspired by a very heated discussion in Sociology the other day.
We hear it all the time. School funds. We hear about money going to the Science Department, the English Department, etc. But where does most of the school funds go? Sports. We hear about that one the most. "The basketball team needs money for new jerseys." "The soccer team needs money for this." Always the sports. And what department gets jipped from all this? Fine Arts. I'm talking about music, drama, photography, art. Those things.
Why is it that the sports get more funding then music? There are roughly the same amount of kids participating in both, and putting an equal amount of time into both. I can narrow it down to one things: popularity.
The people in sports are usually the popular kids, right? They're the ones who have friends who want to support them, parents who have money to give them for their sport. And the Fine Arts people? I'm not saying that they're losers, because they're not, and I'm in this category, but typically, they're the ones who don't care about popularity, and name brand stuff. I'm also not saying that that's what all sports people are concerned about, but its a general stereotype for an athlete.
The other part of popularity is the nation's focus on sports. Most of the kids who are in sports have parents who love that sport. Some of them are the ones you see at soccer games who yell at the referee because the shot was "not a foul". You know who I'm talking about. These parents contribute a lot of money to their child's sport.
The misunderstanding starts here. Discussing this in class, a soccer player (who will remain anonymous) said that the Fine Arts department "didn't need as much money as the sports teams. Everything they needed is paid for with their fees." THIS IS NOT TRUE.
We also have several extra fees to pay. The fees we pay at the beginning of the year? Speaking from experience, the money I paid for orchestra last year was for my orchestra "uniform", which was an ugly maroon and black dress coat that was three times too big for me at the smallest size. There were not enough coats to go around, so I had to share the coat with a band member (Tc, who is contributing to this blog) I was not the only one who had to share a coat, and swap it at the last minute while carrying an instrument and running on stage. To add to it, these coats have been "the orchestra/band uniform" for years. The coats smell, and they're itchy and scratchy. They don't fit more then half of the students they are loaned to for the night of the concert.
Several students rent their instrument from the school. "They pay for all their stuff with their fees," says the anonymous soccer player from earlier. Yes, this part is true. We do pay for them with our fees. But have you seen the rented instruments that are loaned to students? Like the uniforms, they've been around the school for years. They are worn out, dirty, scratched, and some have problems that need to be fixed that we end up paying for.
The football team gets money to go to the State Championships. What about the band/orchestra/choir getting money to go on tour in California? The school doesn't pay for that, or hardly even contribute to it. We do. Out of our own pockets. We earn the money to go. We pay for the bus fees, the food fees, the hotel, etc. EVERYTHING.
So, in conclusion to my brooding, and venting, let me just say to all those people out there who think the athletic department does not get enough money for their stuff. You guys get PLENTY. Do fundraisers, like we have to, to earn money to go to state. Get a job so you can pay for the jersey yourself. The Fine Arts needs some of the money that is going to you to get stuff that we are in dire need of.
--Tsuki Bear
PS If any of you are angered by this, please keep your comments TO YOURSELF
Posted by Tsuki Bear at 1:52 PM 5 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
Post #13--One Quote Every Girl Needs Taped Somewhere She Will See It Every Day--By Q
"...remember, never judge yourself by the actions or inactions of adolescent males. No less substantial standard exists."
--Mr. Carpenter
Posted by Q at 3:41 PM 3 comments
Labels: boys
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Post #12--Embarrassing First Day!--by Tsuki Bear
Okay, so its the start of the new school year and such and I'm a little spacy right now. You know, summer just ended. Everyone is spacy.
So Friday (remember this, very important) after stopping to get my schedule from the school, I went to say hi to my favorite teacher. I had a class with him when school started, so I told him I'd see him Monday.
Monday arrives.
I look at my schedule and see that I have Seminary A1. I feel very lucky because Shane has it too. And so do three of my other good friends. Sweet!!
So then I go to second period, happy.
Half way through second period, I'm texting one of my friends from my last period, who is currently in Sociology with Mr. Glahn, the teacher I talked to on Friday.
Wait a second. I told Mr. Glahn I'd see him Monday morning... SHOOT!
It turns out that my A1 class was actually SOCIOLOGY and not SEMINARY. I was looking at my second semester class for A1!! So, I accidentally skipped first period. I went and talked to the teacher during lunch. He simply laughed, told me not to worry about it, and grab a disclosure document. Phew. That's a relief.
--Tsuki Bear
Posted by Tsuki Bear at 2:56 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
Post #11--Idea--by Tsuki Bear
So I have an idea I would like to fly by every reading this (girls and boys included...mostly girls...okay just girls!)
I have decided that I'm going to write a book about understanding (okay, trying to understand) the male species. Originally I planned to do this with my friend Amy, but it seems we have had a slow start (no start) on this what-so-ever. So, my plan is this: find someone who is savvy with a camera, and go around the mall (school or somewhere) and ask random guys questions about why they do things, etc.
If you think this is a good idea comment right now! I mean NOW! Click on that button down there, yes, right there that's right, and comment. If you don't know which button I'm talking about, I mean the one that says X# comments.
If you are willing to contribute to this, also comment.
--Tsuki Bear
Posted by Tsuki Bear at 6:42 PM 5 comments
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Post #10--Back to School Must Haves?--Tsuki Bear
I only put the question mark because its different for everyone.
Anyways, we all know what's happening in three weeks. School is starting again. Yipee. I love my enthusiasm. Anyways! If you aren't sure how to start the school year off as a fun year (well, I know it'll get boring after a while, but it can be fun at first right?) here are some suggestions.
- New clothes! What's a better way to start off a school year then to have a new wardrobe you can pick from? If you girls (and guys) are anything like me, your wardrobe gets boring after you've had it for over a year (actually, my current one is older then a year old...All of my new clothes from last year shrunk). So if you have the money and the time, go out and get some new jeans, shirts, skirts, etc. Even if you don't have much money, getting a few new items to wear is still fun.
- A new back pack. Back packs are the number one most used item (besides pencils and paper) used by students. After a while, these life saving items get worn out, torn, ripped, etc. So if your bag looks worse for wear, go get a new one before it splits out in the middle of the hallway on your way to class.
- A (new) binder with folders of your choice. Binders with folders are great ways to keep your homework in one place. If you're like me, you tend to lose stuff if you don't put it somewhere you know you can find it again. Make your school year easier (and less of a stress problem) by having a way to organize your homework so you can actually find it. On the plus side, your homework stays neat and doesn't get wrinkled and bent up from not being in a protective sleeve. There are school sales going on now, so these should be pretty inexpensive right now.
- Paper and Pencils/Pens. Go and get some fun writing materials! Who wants to use those boring yellow pencils? Okay, maybe I do, mostly because they're ugly and I have no problem sharpening them. Also, go get some notebooks. They don't have to be totally awesome like your pencils or pens, but make sure you have some to last you a few months. The stores are having major back to school sales now, so you should be able to get a ton for like ten cents each.
- FOR GIRLS: Hair stuff. Now would probably be a good time to get new ponytail holders, scrunchies, headbands, etc. You don't even have to buy them, you can make your own head bands with a pair of old panty hose and a plastic flower.
- Reading books. Go to the book store (or library) and pick out a few reading books that look interesting to you. You will most likely need these books for English reading time, or book reports so read up! Plus, its something good to do if you get bored in class.
- New music. If you have an Ipod, or an MP3 Player or some sort of music device, get new music! There are a few classes that will probably let you use these items when you're not supposed to be learning. So get on Itunes and download that song you've been wanting to get forever.
On the other hand, I would suggest at least getting a binder/folders, pencils/pens, notebooks and a back pack.
--Tsuki Bear
Posted by Tsuki Bear at 11:02 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Post #9--One Year Ago--Tiana ba Llama
Just a few things I've realized recently...
-This time last year, I was in Hawaii, having a pretty great time. *sniff I always hate leaving it so badly!
-It has now been over a year since I last held hands with someone.
-Since this time last year, my mindset is totally different.
So there you have it. Literally, a few things.
Posted by Tiana Cole at 2:27 PM 3 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Post #8--*sigh--Tiana ba Llama
I'm going to camp tomorrow. Instead of Idaho. :P I'm still trying to figure out when I can get up there to spend time with Bo...*sigh and school starts in less than a month. How sad.
Sorry I haven't been a faithful contributor on this blog, Tsuki Bear, but that's my "drama" for right now.
Posted by Tiana Cole at 9:34 PM 2 comments
Post #7--Update on Last Update--by Tsuki Bear
It looks like I spoke too soon.
So I've had this sinus infection since Friday and I had to stay home from church because I was so gross and stuff. Basically I'm on cold pills right now.
So my mom gets me into the doctor's this afternoon, but I have work until four, so I have to call and reschedule for earlier this morning before work, and after my chiropractor appointment.
Sounds good, eh?
Well, as my mom and I are sitting in the parking lot to the second doctor's, guess who I see get out of a car with his mom?
If you guessed Jim, you're right.
Maybe he's going to a different office? After all, Cherry Tree has a lot of offices...Nope, he goes into the same one I'm going to be entering in.
I turn to my mom for help, and she just shrugs and says we could wait a bit.
I will not be chicken! I will face him.
So we go in the office. He has his nose buried in a car magazine, so he hasn't seen me yet. So I sit down with my back to him. My hair is a mess, so hopefully he won't recognize me.
So far so good.
Then I get a text saying, "Are you at the doctor's office?"
"Yes," I say.
"Look behind you." SHOOT ME NOW! I look anyways. He looks up from his magazine and smiles at me. Right now, I just want to DIE and get out of there ASAP.
So the whole time we're at the doctor's, he's texting me.
Okay, so maybe it wasn't that bad but still! What are the odds that we'd have the same doctor?
Oh, I forgot one thing.
He tried to do something with me today, but I told him that it wouldn't work, so maybe Wednesday. He'll be out of town.
--Tsuki Bear
PS Yes, guys I do have a life. I have a job, and I do a lot more then sit on the computer all day. I just seem to have a more dramatic life than that of my friends who are supposed to be helping with these posts, but aren't :P Luv u girls
Posted by Tsuki Bear at 4:18 PM 2 comments
Labels: update
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Post #6--Update on Post #1--by Tsuki Bear
So, back to the first post (go read now if you haven't yet). There's not much to update on, just that Jim hasn't called back since I last saw him (thank goodness). Hopefully things stay this way, and he won't call back.
BTW: why am I the only writer posting if there's four of us?
--Tsuki Bear
Posted by Tsuki Bear at 8:40 PM 5 comments
Labels: update
Monday, July 14, 2008
Post #5--Top Ten Things One SHOULD NOT Do On A Date--By Tsuki Bear
10. When going to a movie, DO NOT make out during the movie, even if are you in the back row. Not only are you being rude and inconsiderate to others who wish to watch the movie--not you!--but you are wasting your date's (or your) money by not watching the movie.
9. When going to the pool, DO NOT wear a swimsuit that covers you the least. This is being inconsiderate of your date. Plus, everyone knows what a butt looks like; we don't need to see yours.
8. When arriving at your date's house, DO NOT just honk the horn and wait for them. Go to the door, and get them.
7. When driving to the destination of your date, DO NOT keep your destination a secret (unless you have already told your date you have a surprise for him/her)
6. When going out to an orchestral/choral concert, DO NOT bring your own food if they say not to, especially pop. These things are loud and can cause distractions for others who wish to listen.
5. When going out to dinner, DO NOT eat like a pig, or like you will never eat again. It is disgusting and impolite. Its also disgusting to see food smeared all over your face.
4. When taking your date on a ski/snowboarding trip, and they don't know what they're doing, DO NOT: 1) Laugh at them 2) Leave them in the dust OR 3) Purposely knock them over. This is not fun for the other person, and it will result in you never going on a date with that person again.
3. When going out to dinner, DO NOT order the most expensive thing on the menu, then not eat it. You are wasting money, and good food.
2. FOR GUYS: When going to your house with your girlfriend/ a girl, DO NOT immediately sit down in front of the TV to watch sports, or play video games unless she is going to play them with you, or watch it with you. She is there to do something fun with you, not to watch you act like a boy!
1. FOR ANY REASON UNLESS IT IS AN EMERGENCY (i.e. family crisis, family illness, house is on fire, etc.) DO NOT LEAVE YOUR DATE BEHIND. This is extremely rude, and if you are a guy, you will mostly likely get slapped.
--Tsuki Bear
Posted by Tsuki Bear at 3:45 PM 7 comments
Labels: dating
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Post #4--Top Ten Reasons to Hate/Love Your Period--by Tsuki Bear
10. You're the biggest grouch on the block--yes, even more grouchy then that old lady down the street who yelled at you because you walked on the sidewalk in front of her house.
9. No one wants to talk to you because you are a grouch. (Maybe its better that way?)
8. You are constantly running to the bathroom every three hours to take care of things. If you don't, you have a crisis on your hands
7. If there is no available pain killers, life sucks for you--and anyone in the same vicinity
6. You're bloated
5. Your hormones are everywhere. One minute the guy in your math class is super hot and the next he is the biggest ugliest jerk
4. There are only so many chick flicks you can watch before you get sick of them
3. You eat a lot of junk--which goes straight to your thighs/stomach/whatever
2. You can't wear nice clothes (i.e. white anything, cute shorts, skirts, swimsuits, etc.)
1. Guys just don't understand how much of a pain in the butt (and hips, etc.) it is!
10. You can start bawling at the drop of a hat--which can get you out of pretty much anything (example: that date you don't want to go on?) (problem: if the guy is desperate enough, he will remain clueless)
9. You can watch as many chick flicks as you want, whenever you want (problem: with gas costing $4 a gallon, driving to and from Blockbuster is costly)
8. You can listen to as much girly music as you want (problem: how many times can you listen to Ashlee Simpson, Kelly Clarkson, etc. before you get tired of their whining?)
7. Taking bubble baths becomes your past time (problem: once you run out of bubble bath...)
6. Romance novels are suddenly very interesting (problem: they're only good while you have the unwanted visitor)
5. That guy in your math class is super hot...and he's staring at you (problem: maybe he's staring because you have a zit on your face...?)
4. You can eat all the junk food you want (problem: that junk food is later found on your thighs, butt, hips, etc.)
3. You can wear clothes that make you look like a slob and you don't care (problem: someone might think you really are a slob, and it might turn off that hot guy in your math class)
2. Facial masks feel so good (problem: you are only using it because you might break out anytime!!)
1. Its a good week to spoil yourself (problem: spoiling sometimes leads to over spending)
--Tsuki Bear
Posted by Tsuki Bear at 11:53 AM 4 comments
Labels: Girl Problems
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Post #3--So There's This Guy...--Tiana ba Llama
Haha, a lot of things start this way. ;) But it's true! Anyway, I'll get on with it. So there's this guy that is really kind of cute (*ahem VERY attractively cute), but I've never been able to talk to him. Well, it's not entirely my fault; he doesn't seem to talk much, anyway. He and I are both kind of shy people. He's my new uncle's youngest brother, and he's only about a year or so older than me; I met him at the wedding a few months ago. Well, saw him. Anyway, my aunt and uncle are both trying to "set me up" with him (they are convinced we'd make a very cute Prom picture, and I sort of agree :D), and they wanted me to come with them to Idaho to meet him and spend some time with him. Sounds great, no? One slight problem: the week they are planning to go is the week I go to camp. AUGH! Isn't that horrible?? So I can't go. :(
I really want to get to know him, but yeah, the fact that we live in two different states does kind of complicate things a bit. We tried to get him to come down in May, too, but that didn't exactly work out because of graduation stuffs that were going on at the time. *Sigh, oh well. Maybe some other time. I can always hope... ;)
Posted by Tiana Cole at 8:36 PM 4 comments
Labels: boys
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Post # 2: The Top Five Reasons Why Fictional Boys Are Better Than Real Ones (By Q)
5. They have their flaws, but they are cute flaws.
4. They are so sweet.
3. Instead of being jerks, they are kind and gentlemanly.
2. When they make mistakes, they try to make up for them.
1. Fictional boys can't break your heart.
(Expand into a top ten or a top twenty if you feel the desire.)
Posted by Q at 9:07 PM 5 comments
Labels: tee hee
Monday, June 30, 2008
To the Readers (aka A Disclosure)
Hello readers (if you even you?)!
On this blog, we will discuss the complexities of the teenage mind, and attempt to solve the mysteries surrounding it. At the very least, we will either complain or speculate about them (them being the mysteries, it being the teenage mind). So, enjoy our rants, and if you feel so inclined, join in.
Happy Post Number One. :)
Posted by Tiana Cole at 1:29 PM 4 comments
Post #1 --BOYS/MEN/MALES--By Tsuki Bear
I guess this first blog is for girls. But guys, please do read this seeing as all girls probably share my frustrations right now.
Ok, so here's what's going on. This old friend of mine, let's call him Jim for now, really really likes me. I used to like him, up until he started dissing on my best friend (also a guy, let's call him Cade, who I had started to like a lot around this time). Eventually, Cade becomes my boyfriend. So then things get complicated, and Cade walks out of my life--for good, thinking it would be better for me--and I decide that I'm done with boyfriends for now. Well, Jim didn't really get that, so I told him to hit the road and we should just stay friends. Well, he gets all angry, we fight, and we haven't talked for two months.
At least it was that way until Saturday night, June 28, 2008.
He calls me and says that he misses me, yata yata yata, and he wants to see me on Monday. Well, two o'clock in the afternoon comes rolling around, and he's still not here. Oh well. Anyways. He called Sunday. He keeps saying that he doesn't like being the "middle man" as he so put it. Basically he wants to be more then friends, or nothing at all. I told him he could either be my friend, or hit the road.
Anyways, back to Monday.
So I'm hanging out with my best guy friend, let's call him Shane, at the Library. Or, actually, I'm waiting for him to get his butt there. So I'm looking at a book when my phone starts ringing and it turns out to be Jim calling me. I answer it.
"Hey," he says.
"Hi," I say, unenthusiastically.
"Are you home right now?" he asks (NOTE: he ALREADY sent me a text message asking this same question, which I replied: No).
"No," I say.
"Oh. Where are you?" he asks.
"Oh, I'll come find you then." SHOOT! I had to open my big mouth right? So I guess part of this disaster I brought on myself. So I bolt down to the basement to wait for Shane.
We meet up, and he finds out about Jim coming, and that pisses him off. This guy is practically stalking me for heavens sake.
So then Jim shows up. He looks the same as he did two months ago--tall, darkish blond hair, blue eyes. Only difference is he's tan.
He starts trying to talk to me--actually, Shane. I have tuned him out, and he's talking about guy stuff--cars, Scout Knots, etc. And he WON'T leave! So I text my dad, asking him to bail me and he does. He asks me to come home and switch laundry. He then said that I could go back and meet Shane at the park (since it is the last time I will see him for a long time). It worked.
Or, at least it was working. I was pulled out of a parking space, and getting ready to drive off when WHACK! Something hits me from behind. I put my car in park and look behind me. There's a car.
This old lady gets out and starts saying that we need to go talk to the police. I give them my side of the story (seen above) and she agreed with it.
At least until the traffic officer took over.
She changed her story, making it seem like we were both at fault. And since I'm the little minor, they bought her story. She claimed she wouldn't file against me, but if she does I'm going to be SO mad. I've already been in one accident (my fault) and my insurance has already sky rocketed.
And to end my bad day, I had to leave Shane (who I will not see for a while) and go to work, because no one could take my shift. *sigh* At least I like my job, and it seemed to put me in a better mood.
I actually got lucky and was able to go to the park after work and see Shane before I left.
But still! Does anyone know what to do about stalker wanna-be ex-boyfriends? I talked to one of the waitresses at work, and she said to ignore his calls, his texts, etc. It doesn't work with this guy. He will keep calling, texting, whatever, until he gets a hold of me. It sucks like none other.
Anyways, I am now done with my ranting. If you have any suggestions, please post a comment.
Yours truly,
Tsuki Bear
Posted by Tsuki Bear at 12:51 PM 6 comments
Labels: boy drama