Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Post #21--For Guys--by Tsuki Bear

So recently I received an email about a blog for guys to help them understand girls. I understand that many of the male recipients of this email were very displeased. I understand, and I apologize for that. I did not personally read this blog, but from my understanding, it was not at all fair.

Girls, here is the fact of life. We cannot ask guys to understand us. It is not fair to them, nor is it worth the head ache for us. So give it up. He will never "understand" you. We will never "understand" them!

Guys, since this blog is for you, here is what I do ask: please, be considerate. If you think we look nice, please tell us. But if we don't, please DO NOT tell us. This will hurt our feelings. Don't tell us if we're fat, ugly, or if we have a zit on our face. Chances are we already think this and we don't need a boy (or anyone else for the matter) confirming it. Girls have a hard enough time with their self esteem as it is.

Please treat us like girls, not like your guy friends. If we wanted to be treated like a guy, we'd be a guy. Simple as that. But also, don't treat us like dirt. Just because we are a different sex does not mean we are aliens from Mars. This much should be a given, but sadly, not all guys know this. Or if they do, they pretend not to.

If we are in a bad mood, I'd suggest you do the following: do not ask, because then you will suddenly become part of the problem whether you signed on to be or not.

When it comes to impressing us, we don't care what kind of car you drive, or what sport you play, or how buff you are. Those of us who do care are most likely not worth your time. Just be yourself! It's been said that guys expect girls to be themselves; we expect the same. So what if you think that you're a dork? There is a girl out there who will think that you're not a dork, and that you are absolutely amazing!

Honestly, I could write a novel on this, but since I don't have space for a novel here, I'll stop now. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask them in the comments section and I will attempt to answer them. No, I am not Dr. Phil so I can't help improve your love life.

--Tsuki Bear

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Post #20--Winter Bugs--by Tsuki Bear

It seems I'm best at giving advice lists, or suggestion lists. I don't even know if anyone who reads this actually tries what I suggest, but hey, I'll do it anyways cuz I feel like it!

It's winter time! We all know what this means: the Christmas lights, snow, caroling, Christmas trees, hot chocolate, gift giving and family. Amidst all our joy and celebration there is one thing that could possibly bring us down: the dreaded flu. This is also known as Influenza.

We all know the symptoms of the flu. Your temperature is completely out of control. One minute you're huddled by the fire, wrapped in a blanket. The next, you're running out side in shorts and a T-shirt. You're coughing up a lung (literally), and your throat feels like sand paper. Flu season generally lasts from December to April, so until May hits, you're not safe from this virus. When you get the virus, you are contagious 1-4 days before you even know you have the virus. My suggestion to this: personal space. Please, keep a considerate amount of space between you, and the person you are talking to. As for sneezing, if you want to sneeze, sneeze on someone you want to get sick. JK.

The symptoms of the flu include the ones I listed above. If you have a a fever, headaches and exhaustion, you may be one of the unlucky 90 million people who get this every year. In addition, a dry cough, aches and pains, and fatigue are more symptoms of the flu.

To avoid being one of the 90 million, my suggestions are the following:

  • Avoid crowds if at all possible. The less people who cough, breathe, sneeze, etc. on you, the less likely you'll get it.
  • Wash your hands frequently, or use anti-bacterial
  • Get lots of sleep
  • Eat healthy food. Foods and juices high in Vitamin C help prevent colds, and the flu
  • Bundle up! Make sure you're dressed warm enough for the weather. This means no shorts!
  • Get the flu shot. It's not fun, but the pain is temporary; the flu lasts for a while
For more information, check out

--Tsuki Bear

Post #19--In General--by Tsuki Bear

Since Tiana ba Llama made a stink about not posting, I'll post, even though I literally have nothing to post. I'll think of something. For once in my life, there is nothing to spew about.

Hmm, since it's the holidays, I'll do something around that!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Post #18---For Crying Out Loud---Tiana ba Llama

Good gravy, people. SOMEONE needs to post on here! It's pretty much impossible for there to be nothing of importance going on in our lives! Between the four of us (or anyone who would like to comment, *hint hint), there's got to be SOMETHING interesting to write about!

Umm so yeah. That's my little rant. I will post something if one of you gals will. ;) Because there's definitely something I could post about...but let's have one of you write first, k? :D