Okay, so its the start of the new school year and such and I'm a little spacy right now. You know, summer just ended. Everyone is spacy.
So Friday (remember this, very important) after stopping to get my schedule from the school, I went to say hi to my favorite teacher. I had a class with him when school started, so I told him I'd see him Monday.
Monday arrives.
I look at my schedule and see that I have Seminary A1. I feel very lucky because Shane has it too. And so do three of my other good friends. Sweet!!
So then I go to second period, happy.
Half way through second period, I'm texting one of my friends from my last period, who is currently in Sociology with Mr. Glahn, the teacher I talked to on Friday.
Wait a second. I told Mr. Glahn I'd see him Monday morning... SHOOT!
It turns out that my A1 class was actually SOCIOLOGY and not SEMINARY. I was looking at my second semester class for A1!! So, I accidentally skipped first period. I went and talked to the teacher during lunch. He simply laughed, told me not to worry about it, and grab a disclosure document. Phew. That's a relief.
--Tsuki Bear
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Post #12--Embarrassing First Day!--by Tsuki Bear
Posted by Tsuki Bear at 2:56 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
Post #11--Idea--by Tsuki Bear
So I have an idea I would like to fly by every reading this (girls and boys included...mostly girls...okay just girls!)
I have decided that I'm going to write a book about understanding (okay, trying to understand) the male species. Originally I planned to do this with my friend Amy, but it seems we have had a slow start (no start) on this what-so-ever. So, my plan is this: find someone who is savvy with a camera, and go around the mall (school or somewhere) and ask random guys questions about why they do things, etc.
If you think this is a good idea comment right now! I mean NOW! Click on that button down there, yes, right there that's right, and comment. If you don't know which button I'm talking about, I mean the one that says X# comments.
If you are willing to contribute to this, also comment.
--Tsuki Bear
Posted by Tsuki Bear at 6:42 PM 5 comments
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Post #10--Back to School Must Haves?--Tsuki Bear
I only put the question mark because its different for everyone.
Anyways, we all know what's happening in three weeks. School is starting again. Yipee. I love my enthusiasm. Anyways! If you aren't sure how to start the school year off as a fun year (well, I know it'll get boring after a while, but it can be fun at first right?) here are some suggestions.
- New clothes! What's a better way to start off a school year then to have a new wardrobe you can pick from? If you girls (and guys) are anything like me, your wardrobe gets boring after you've had it for over a year (actually, my current one is older then a year old...All of my new clothes from last year shrunk). So if you have the money and the time, go out and get some new jeans, shirts, skirts, etc. Even if you don't have much money, getting a few new items to wear is still fun.
- A new back pack. Back packs are the number one most used item (besides pencils and paper) used by students. After a while, these life saving items get worn out, torn, ripped, etc. So if your bag looks worse for wear, go get a new one before it splits out in the middle of the hallway on your way to class.
- A (new) binder with folders of your choice. Binders with folders are great ways to keep your homework in one place. If you're like me, you tend to lose stuff if you don't put it somewhere you know you can find it again. Make your school year easier (and less of a stress problem) by having a way to organize your homework so you can actually find it. On the plus side, your homework stays neat and doesn't get wrinkled and bent up from not being in a protective sleeve. There are school sales going on now, so these should be pretty inexpensive right now.
- Paper and Pencils/Pens. Go and get some fun writing materials! Who wants to use those boring yellow pencils? Okay, maybe I do, mostly because they're ugly and I have no problem sharpening them. Also, go get some notebooks. They don't have to be totally awesome like your pencils or pens, but make sure you have some to last you a few months. The stores are having major back to school sales now, so you should be able to get a ton for like ten cents each.
- FOR GIRLS: Hair stuff. Now would probably be a good time to get new ponytail holders, scrunchies, headbands, etc. You don't even have to buy them, you can make your own head bands with a pair of old panty hose and a plastic flower.
- Reading books. Go to the book store (or library) and pick out a few reading books that look interesting to you. You will most likely need these books for English reading time, or book reports so read up! Plus, its something good to do if you get bored in class.
- New music. If you have an Ipod, or an MP3 Player or some sort of music device, get new music! There are a few classes that will probably let you use these items when you're not supposed to be learning. So get on Itunes and download that song you've been wanting to get forever.
On the other hand, I would suggest at least getting a binder/folders, pencils/pens, notebooks and a back pack.
--Tsuki Bear
Posted by Tsuki Bear at 11:02 AM 0 comments